Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Start Of Something Beautiful...

Well, here we go again. If any of you have followed my since my "Writings To The World" and all know that I become very hit and miss with this writing once a week thing. I don't know why I have such a hard time with it...I just get distracted or I turn bi-polar and lose interest in it or whatever...but hopefully I can keep on track with this one. I'm going to be using a lot more tools to my disposal, and hopefully you guys can support me enough to keep me motivated as well. Thank you SO much for all that have kept up with it and told me they enjoy it. I know I'm not funny all the time, but thanks for making me feel like I am. It means more than you can imagine. Also, again I posted all the old stuff from Facebook below. Sorry that all the links don't work. I'm going to be using my own way of keeping those up and running now so we should be fine. I made this blog viewable to everyone and is also able to have anyone comment as we'll see how well that goes. I wish that there was a way to keep track of followers, but it seems you have to have a Blogger account or a Gmail account or something. Idk...we'll figure it out. :)

So hopefully everyone's Thanksgiving went well. Mine was as normal as it's always been. Driving to everyone's house constantly and such. Not horrible or anything, but it can get a bit tiring after awhile of doing it so many years. Gotta love divorced parents right? Started out going over to Lex's house, then up to Layton for my Mom's place. Then back down to Lex's...then to my Dads girlfriend's place, then to his house, then back home. Lots of stops, lots of people, lots of food, and not enough sleep. Lol. At least my Packers won. :) What's your favorite Thanksgiving food? I find that many families do different things. I mean, you typically have the turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing...but then you have random stuff in there as well. Personally my favorite thing I look forward to is the Yams. Something about them just makes me happy at this time of year. Only this time of year though, I tried them once in July and yeah....not so grand. Also I'm a big pumpkin pie fan...and it seems that everyone knows that now too. Got a pie from my mom and Lex's mom, then was offered some at my dad's gf place. Sigh...I can't handle that much! Good thing I have Cool Whip to go with it though. :)

So I hear that Black Friday wasn't so bad. I mean, nowadays with people opening up at midnight, I guess it can't be too horrible. Also I didn't hear too many things were on that "awesome deal" section of the store. Seems like companies can't really afford to do it either. Interesting stuff. Anyone get any sweet deals?

I am going to apologize before hand and say that I won't have an uber long post like I did back in October. I haven't been feeling all that hot the last day or so and sitting here trying to think just isn't happening. My creative side is suffering due to whatever is trying to Destroy My Body (No, it's not The Swine). So I am going to move on to my awards and such, and get ya'll on your way. More will come soon...I promise. :) On a slight sidenote as well, I'm trying a thing with Google and their ads. If you do see something that you're interested in with the ads please go ahead and check it out. Google is really good about putting up ads that are legit and that actually have some good stuff in there, so it could help out both of us.

Random Awards:
Sports team of the week: Green Bay Packers
Favorite of the week: Egg Nog
Friend of the week: Ryan Corbett
Idiot thing to do for the week: Eat a tablespoon of Cinnamon (Refer to friend of the week)
Band of the week: Say Anything
Hope it works of the week: Google Ads
I don't believe it of the week: Global Warming
Hot celebrity of the week: Kristen Stewart
Video game of the week: Modern Warfare 2
Craving of the week: Cinnamon Rolls
Movie of the week: Home Alone
Food establishment of the week: PF Changs
Hot RL girl of the week: Lexie Southworth

Hot Fizz...

LolCat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions



FML of the week: "Today, I woke up and looked in the mirror and noticed that my face was covered in glitter. I asked my wife about it and she said she put it on me while I was sleeping so that I would sparkle like Edward from Twilight when I'm in the sunlight. FML."

Thanks everyone. Also for those of you that were wanting a sports section I apologize again. I need to actually start caring about basketball and I don't see that happening very well with me focused on football currently. It will come. Seems BYU is up by 3 in the 4th quarter currently as well. Guess we'll see what happens there. Sorry to say for all you that live near me, I'm more of a Utes fan than a BYU. But they are both good. If you guys were wanting to see scores and my fantasy stuff, look off to the right here and I have them all there through Widgets. Now all you guys can tell me how bad my fantasy teams are...YAY! ;)

Lastly, if you guys/girls are looking for Christmas presents and stuff, Lex does all the wonderful Mary Kay stuff. Guys, if you are struggling, give her a call. She'll help ya out for sure. Girls, there are some things that us guys to like from Mary Kay as Aftershave and stuff. She can help you all out with that. If you mention me she'll give you 10% off in December and she ships all over the place or if you're close enough she'll come by and show you all the stuff and hook you up. Head Here to order online and also at the top is her phone number. Or you can just give me your info and I'll forward it over to her.

Thanks again! Please comment and leave your name if you're not registered! Again, if you have anything you'd like to see in here or would like me to mention you in it to help you out let me know. :)



  1. I'm glad you finally got the blogspot. I subscribed. I did go to some black friday sales. Got some good stuff including some freebies for the husband. That's so nice of you to put a plug in for Lexie's Mary Kay stuff. What a good little boyfriend. (I'll keep that in mind in case I ever become rich one day.)

  2. Oh goody! Greg and a blog-
    Thanksgiving was a very long day... and this year some of the food was strange lol. And Black Friday I heard there were still a lot of really good sales- i kind of regret not going out shopping... but i guess making money instead of spending is good too. ;) I love the cool wHip clip, I now get where that comes from lol. The VIDEO was epic! Nice find Greg. The FML was you- I did that to you last week ... or is that what I am doing next week ;) I am suprised to actually be the Hot RL girl, what did I do to actually deserve to be considered a hot RL girl by you :) Oh and thanks for the plug, i was really suprised to see that. You are a good boyfriend---guess I'll keep ya! ;)
