Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Random Week Stuff #1" 4/28/09

Meh...I decided today that I'm going to write in this note dealio once a week. Kinda like a blog...but not really cause I don't have it officially at some random "blog-spot" place. Oh well...I figure more people will see it on here or at least run into it. we go. Off on my randomness and such. (By the way, this is my third attempt at doing this...I got half way through this twice and then hated it...)

So this whole Swine Flu thing...what the crap is it? Funny it seems that no one knows what is happening. I don't even know what is happening to be honest. Though, I do know that the cases that have happened in the States have only been in Cali and New York. So're not going to die Kyle. Stop freaking out. Though I did find this comic to be pretty funny concerning the flu. :) COMIC

Another thing that entertains me this week is also dealing with people and them freaking out about everything. For those of you that don't know where I work, I work for a company called Invisus. We deal with computer security and being a personal tech for you and your computer. This means that I deal with a lot of viruses and other stuff. It's not bad, but there are times that it gets out of hand. For example...when April Fools came around and the world thought that it was going to be another Y2K. Seriously people? You really think that if some hacker threatened the world that all the computers were going to explode, you would listen to him? You're retarded. Keep your Window's up to date...keep some good virus protection on your computer, and stop looking at porn. Do that, you win.

In the sports world the NBA Playoffs are happening and the MLB season has been going to for about 4 weeks now. It's been nice and fun for me to keep up on it all. But really people...did you think that the Jazz would hold up a chance at all against the Lakers? Yeah...not so much. I'm going to call out just a few things that I think will happen in the playoffs. If I'm wrong...whatever...but these are my predictions.

-Bulls will beat out the Celtics. It's meant to be.
-Lakers and Cavs will make it to the finals, and the Cavs will win in 6 games.
-Since the Jazz lost out, Boozer will now officially leave for good. If they would have won the whole thing, he would have stayed. He's just like don't be sad.

As for the MLB, this is where I am paying more attention to as of late. Since I'm a nerd and like doing things with the baseball...I joined up with with 3 different fantasy leagues. So...I have 3 teams. It's been fun to watch and see what's going on for sure. And my hate for the Red Sox has grown stronger and stronger. Good news is though, the Mariners are holding out in first place in the division. So that makes me feel pretty good inside since they have been my team for years. If you guys want to know one rookie to watch this year, check out Dexter Fowler from the Rockies. Monday he had 5 stolen bases in one game. The kid's a rocket...and he's been conditioned to be an amazing athlete. :)

I don't have much else to write I'm going to give out my random awards of the week. :)

Friend of the week: Shane Beard
Band of the week: Mayday Parade
Game of the week: Call of Duty: World at War
Med of the week: Ibuprofen 800mg
Team of the week: Chicago Bulls
Celeb of the week: Seth Rogen
Restaurant of the week: Denny's
Animal of the week: Grizzly Bear

Now other awards with more fizz:

Lolcat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions

Vid of the week: VIDEO

News of the week: NEWS

I lost my patience trying to find things at work and having everyone call me about their computer problems. Go figure that I've had more calls so far today from people I know about computer issues than I have from actually customers. So retarded.

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