Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Random Week Stuff #2" 5/4/09

Thanks all of you that read the last one of these I posted. I just realized that all I really want is people to read what I write and make some small comment on it...even if it sucks. Makes me feel human. ;)

Just as a side note for Facebook, if you haven't tried out the Pirate English so. It's fetching awesome. :)

So I know this isn't an exact week since the last one I wrote, but I decided that I have more time to post these on Sunday nights instead of trying to throw it all together on a workday. So...yeah...moved to Sunday night now. And speaking of Sunday nights...I hate them. Nothing like a day where you sit around thinking about all the things you have to do on Monday. Not only that...but it's just so lame and boring. And here in Utah especially. Blah.

I finally got my room all finished today. Oh, I didn't tell you guys about that yet. Yeah, we moved all this week. We meaning Kyle and myself. See...Kyle and I lived on the middle floor of our apartment building. Since we are in college housing and all, we have four other people we live with. That's six people in one apartment. It's pretty horrible. There are four rooms in our apartment and two bathrooms. So...three people per bathroom. Yeah. Let me try to explain it a bit more. You walk into our apartment and you're in the living room. Behind the living room is the kitchen. If you go left or right of the living room there is a small hall way that leads to two of the bedrooms and one bathroom. So that's on each side. That's all that there is. Each side has the two bedrooms, one private room and one shared room. Hope you guys have the picture. Anyway, I lived in a private room. Not bad. Kyle was living in a shared...but since he's weird and retarded (he'll admit it too) he couldn't share the room with a random kid he didn't know. Probably why he didn't go on a mission. ;) Anyway, Kyle just slept on the couch forever. He wanted to get his own room but also stay in the same apartment as me. So...we had to move upstairs to do so.

Moving sucks. Even when you're just going upstairs it completely blows. You have to pack up everything just to put it back up. You find crap you wish you had lost find things that you thought you lost forever but you bought it again cause you really needed it. You break things, people steal things, you have to clean things. It just sucks. Anyway, we got that all done. Kyle has his own little room now and he's happy. GG for him. So I just finished off my room which was fine. Nothing crazy. Got all my pictures up and everything is good. Except that now I have this kid that lives across the hall from me in the shared room who is fetching weird. He's 18, and he still acts like he's four or five. You know when you were little and people would come over, and you wanted them to like you and be a part of your life so you would run in your room and bring out all your coolest stuff to show them? Yeah...that's him. Kyle had some girls come over last night and I swear the kid brought out half his room trying to impress them. Nunchucks, masks, mini guitars, real guitars, videos, video games, food, clothes etc. etc. It was insane. Eh, enough about my place. It's really not that cool.

Sports time. So you girls can skip this. My prediction of the Bulls beating out the Celtics was wrong. Yes I know. But still. Game 7? Five of the games going into an OT? That was probably one of the most amazing series I had ever witnessed. Better than that series of Rock of Love with the chick with the huge knockers too! Wait...that's all of them...and every series. Eh. Bulls should have had that series. Makes sense that they would lose out in Game 7 though. Being in Boston and having it be a Game 7 with a young team...GG. Too many nerves and hype going on...but they did really well and I give a lot of credit to that team. I also think they would have had a good chance at beating out the Magic as well...but that's not what is going to happen. Since more than likely the Celtics will meet up with the Cavs for the Conference Finals and then the Cavs will sweep them in 4 games. And yes, that's a bold prediction, but I just see it happening. Or who knows, the Magic might pull a fast one on them. Guess we'll see.

Also last week I posted about how Boozer is like Malone and that he would leave the Jazz and stuff. Well apparently that pissed some people off...and people started sending me links to press conferences about how Boozer doesn't want to leave and he wants to stay with the team...and how he's such a better person than Malone is. Yeah...I know. Calm down people. Malone is the most retarded person I have ever read about...and when meeting him I had never met a man that was more rude than him. The only time I have ever smiled when concerning him is when I saw him running down a cobblestone alley to attack my level 60 priest in Strathome...gotta love "Mailman Malone". :) As for Boozer...yeah it does seem that he is going to stick around. That's cool I suppose. But I still think that the Jazz need to get something else for the team to give it that little kick to make them go somewhere. And I don't think that Boozer is going to do it for them. Williams is amazing...and I'm more amazed that he likes playing for Utah. Boozer will work out...but something needs to happen to bring that fire. Guess we'll see what happens next year.

On to baseball...(yes girls...I'm still going on with sports). My Mariners made an amazing come back today against the A's. I was pretty impressed. Impressed with how the Mariners were playing for sure...but more impressed on how bad of a decision the A's coach made when he left Gonzalez in for so long to make us win. Taking the game to 15 innings is one thing. But when you had the game in the 13th inning and you were up by 3...just to let us trash you to tie it up again...come on. It's a win either way...and we still hold the lead in the division. Finally to wrap up the baseball world real quick...I love how the Red Sox and the Yankees are not in first place in their division. Makes me smile so much. Actually...I love that how only 1 of the 6 divisions have a leader that went to the playoffs last year. Everyone else has a major upset and surprise. Gotta love baseball. :)

My predictions for this week (which are usually wrong I know):

-Denver will beat out Dallas ending in Game 6
-LA will beat out Houston ending in Game 5
-Boston will beat out Orlando ending in Game 6
-Cleveland will beat out Atlanta ending in Game 4
-And just to say it now...the Detroit Lions will win no more than 5 games this year...improving from 0.

Had to say it since they picked up first round pick Matt Stafford and they think he'll be changing the world. Won't happen.

Moving along to everyone's favorite part....Random Awards!:

BBQ food item of the week: Ballpark Dog. More on the Brat side.
Friend of the week: Kyle Brown
Annoying status poster on Facebook for the week: Josh Waite (Yes, we get you have a mafia)
Most over-rated sports player of the week: Tiger Woods
Most over-rated team of the week: Dallas Mavericks
Band of the week: Manchester Orchestra
Number of the week: 6
Sesame Street character of the week: Yip Yip Aliens
Video Game of the week: Demigod
Commercial of the week: Pretty much everything Verizon is putting out and Jose Cuervo.
Hot RL girl of the week: Sharon Modafferi

Hot Fizz....

Lolcat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions

Vid of the week: VIDEO

Random News of the week: NEWS

As a final's always been a fascinating thing to me to try and figure out the "base" system when it comes to being physical with someone. I think this COMIC might just sum it up for all of us. :)

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