Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Random Week Stuff #5" 5/26/09

Hi everyone, let's just dive right into this week.

What creates loneliness? It seems that even when you are surrounded by the people that you love and that love you it still creeps up on you and makes you feel down. It's pretty lame. So what is it? Unhappiness? Who knows...but I wish we could find the way to not feel like it. At least for me.

Another debatable item at dog fighting rings. Look, I'm against animal cruelty and such. I don't think it's a good thing to have around and I do believe that it's wrong. But really people...get off Vick's back about this. He's going to get hell for it forever, and really...there are worse things that people have done and got away with and forgiven for. Look around the world though people. You got the run of the bulls, which leaves tons of bulls killed in the streets. You have cock fighting rings down in Mexico that is a big deal. You got poachers going on in Africa and trapping animals for anything. Now don't get all pissed off at me for saying all this...I just want to know people's opinions and how they are feeling on the subject. If you don't know who MIKE VICK is, he's a former quarterback for the Falcons and was busted for dog fighting. If you want to know more info on it, go HERE. Anyway, again to state I think that it's wrong what he did. I think it's cruel and that the he deserves what has happened to him. But at the same time I think that when all this is over with, he should have the chance to redeem himself. Everyone deserves a second chance. Thoughts?

As for what's going on in my life...there's not much happening. My Memorial Day was full of working and sitting around in my room. Yay. It's ok...time and a half is always good. Other than that I'm just trying to figure out the summer and all. It's for sure on people. June 12th weekend I am going to Colorado to see the Mariners and Rockies play. Fred is definitely in, and Shane says he's going...which means he'll go cause I'll kick his butt if he doesn't let me take him to his first game. So anyway...if you want to come please let me know. If we get another person or two...I'm going to see if I can borrow the van and we can all be comfortable on the drive. It'll be fun! Let's do it! :)

Sports time my friends. :)

Well, look what we got going on here! Denver beats LA by 19? What? I watched the fourth quarter...and I have to say that LA is going to have some issues if Denver can keep that fire going. They were just toying with LA that whole quarter. And the more I watch Kobe try and run the whole game and take all the shots...the more I realize that LA is going to fail. I think Denver still has it. And I want Denver to take it. :) As for the Magic/Cavs series, I'm just baffled. I really thought that the Cavs had that one in the bag. But wow...the Magic really have stepped it up and pulled through. LBJ has the power and all...but that just isn't enough with the Magic shutting it all down. I still think that's anyone's series though...and Game Four is going to be a big deal here. Guess we'll find out what will happen eh boys? :)

As for the baseball world that I know oh so many of you guys care's going well. The top teams we have for the start of the week are NL: Dodgers, Brewers and Phillies...AL: Rangers, Tigers, and Red Sox. Now...what's great about all this, is that the Dodgers are killing it without Manny. Pierre is still tearing up the boards along with Hudson and others. The Brewers have topped out the Cardinals which is a pretty amazing feat for sure. The Cubs on the other hand have lost 8 in a row...which is no good for them in the NL Central. Phillies are a no brainer down there, but the Mets are on their tail. As for the AL, this is where it all gets interesting. The Rangers aren't the strongest team. They usually fail by mid-season or somewhere around there and drop out the the race. Angels are the team usually on top and hard to beat. But...they have flipped flopped roles this year so far. The Mariners aren't horribly behind but they just can't keep it up. As for the Tigers, this is the biggest thing when it comes to all this. The AL Central has always been fairly weak. But the Tigers have never really been a team that was a contender. It's usually the White Sox or the Twins. But with the Tigers taking the lead by four games, it's nice to see something a bit different. As for the AL East...blah. Red Sox on top again. This is mainly due to the Blue Jays losing eight in a row, making them fall from first. Doesn't help either when the Yankees are on a 10 game tear. Now, I have always hated the Yankees more than the Red Sox...but this year...there is just something about the Yanks that I'm very impressed with. Red Sox can still go blow themselves though. ;) Oh, and A-Rod can go ahead and get himself hurt again. I wouldn't mind that. Though he's doing very well since he's been back for sure.

I want to keep up with the home run race. So here's our top 5:

Home Runs:
1. Raul Ibanez, PHI 17
2. Adrian Gonzalez, SDG 17
3. Carlos Pena, TAM 15
4. Albert Pujols, STL 14
5. Adam Dunn, WAS 14

That's all I got for baseball. Anyone see how Syracuse won in OT over Cornell in lacrosse? That was pretty cool to see as well.

Random AWARDS!:
Best show ever of the week: Family Matters
Band of the week: Radiohead
Pixar Movie I will see of the week: Up!
Wish I had more of...of the week: Sleep
Friend of the week: Amy Symmes
Drink of the week: Ocean Spray Cran-apple (You were thinking something else I knew it! )
I want now of the week: Talking dog
Best thing I made of the week: Grilled Pineapple
Commercials that need to go of the week: Anything for tampons
Video game of the week: Left 4 Dead
Thank you so much for being invented of the week: Fans
Hot RL girl of the week: Desiree Sumpter

Hot FIzz...

Lolcat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions

Vid of the week: VID (My favorite is the parking garage at the beginning)

News of the week: NEWS

Comic of the week: (Language) COMIC

And now adding....F My Life of the week!: Today, brand new cocktail dress: $300. Matching peep toe heels: $100. Getting my hair done at the salon: $80. Treating myself to a mani/pedi: $50. When finally meeting the guy I have been chatting online with for 2 months, I find out hes my cousin: priceless. FML

Greg :)

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