Saturday, November 28, 2009

"Random Week Stuff #4" 5/19/09

Better week going on this time. So no worries here. Sorry again for being somewhat late on this again. Just had no motivation to do this last night. Mainly cause I have started over on Fallout 3 and also cause Lex was still hanging around town. Can I just say that Fallout 3 is fetching amazing? If you're looking for a great game to get yourself into that's single player...definitely pick that sucker up. Also been playing a lot of Call of Duty: World at War. Another wonderful game to be playing on Live. Lots of fun for sure.

So I'll be straight with you all. Since I always have been and such. And mainly cause I have been dying to just get it off my chest. I had my first drink last weekend. Yeah, yeah...not that big of a deal. But going this long without it ever has been a pretty big feat for me in my mind. All I got to say though is...really? People actually enjoy that? I find it so utterly gross. I mean yeah, you can get your mixed drinks and fruity stuff...but still. So not enjoyable. Especially for the money you put out for it. Yeah I know when people drink with problems and stuff they don't really care about the taste and stuff so it probably doesn't matter. But for people that go out and just have a drink at dinner and stuff...why? Soda is like 4 bucks cheaper and refillable. Not only that but it's 10 times more tastier. Meh, guess it's a matter of preference. Just so you know, it's all Shane and Fred's fault. Not mine. ;) jk jk. It was time. I'm one of the people that needs to experience things before I judge them for the most part. Excluding smoking and drugs. Pretty sure I don't need to do that to know I don't want them. Anyway, don't judge and stuff. Just letting it out. :)

So the new place is doing alright. Not a full house quite yet. Just four of us living here all in our own rooms. Pretty nice actually. We'll have another guy moving in here in about two weeks I think. Then if someone else moves in it probably won't be till Fall. Kyle broke our air conditioner today due to him being sick. So I am assuming he was BURNING UP with a fever and that's why he set it to 60 and it stopped working. It's kicked back on now here at 2:30 am. So, maybe it just locked up for a bit or something. Not entirely sure. Either way I need to talk to the office about getting paid for the computer work I did for them, so I might as well mention the AC and see if they will come take a look at it. I have absolutely no money in my account. Good thing I get paid on Wednesday. Hopefully it's enough to cover everything and also a bit more as well. Guess we'll find out.

I finally got around to watching STEP BROTHERS on Saturday night. Lex and I rented it after going out to eat (thanks for paying babe) and she ended up falling asleep. So I just went ahead and watched it. All I got to say about the movie is that if you like crude films...this is your playground. I rank it right up there with Role Models and Knocked Up. Love all these movies that are coming out. Plus it's just nice to see Will Farrell go back to his crude ways instead of all the kid movies he keeps doing. Guess you can't pull an Eddie Murphy forever. :)

My left speaker on my laptop is blown. Really pisses me off.

Sports time girls. Scroll down as usual if you don't want to read. :)

Ok. So my predictions were a little off. But only with the games they were going to end on and such. Cavs/Hawks I was dead on. Celtics/Magic I went with the Celtics...and yes, Magic pulled it off. Boston was just too tired...and they just wanted to stay home. You could tell. It was a good run Boston, but it's time for all your sports teams to fail again. :) (At least we hope). As for the Western side of it all, Lakers/Rockets I was right about the Lakers making it. I was extremely surprised that they took it to Game Seven. But you know if you push the Lakers to a Game Seven they are going to wake up and get pissed off. It's like throwing rocks at a dog. It might bark a bit and growl, but once you push it into a corner it's going to come out teeth bared and biting. I was very impressed watching the Rockets. Who knew that those little guys could actually do so much? Sheeze. Nuggets/Mavs I was off by a game, but the Nuggets pulled it off. Now it's all on the finals. On the East for sure we got the Cavs that are going to push through. The Magic will give them a run for their money for sure, but not till later. I see the first two games going to Cleveland. Hands down. They just have so much energy and hype right now and Orlando is tired and shaky. We'll see what happens. But I'm saying for this series that:

Cavs will beat the Magic ending in Game Five.

As for the West, Lakers/Nuggets will be a fun one to watch. The way it was going to be is if the Rockets beat the Lakers, I would have no doubt that Denver would beat Houston in 5 games. Hands down. Denver is an awesome team this year. But since the Lakers have moved on, it's very much in the air now. I am going to say that this series will end as:

Nuggets will beat the Lakers ending in Game Seven.

Bold prediction I know. But hell, we have had almost half the series that were played go to Game Seven, and we gotta keep living the hype right? :) I would cite more about why I think these matches would go this way with more players being in the mix and why this and that...but man, It's almost 3:00am. I want to get this over with. ;)

Another fun thing to read about is this: CONFLICT...Seems that the management at Kroenke Sports wasn't being very supportive for the team that they own. The Denver Nuggets. (Go ahead, watch the movie it's a lot better than reading.) :)

Baseball. Ahhh...I'm just loving it right now. Yes the Mariners are struggling a bit, but it's alright. In all three of my fantasy baseball leagues I am currently in first place. Big awesome pat on the back for me. Lol. Just to give you a bit of an update on all the hype, this is what's going on. I'm not going to cite every team even though I really could if I want to.

A's: Last place in the AL West currently. They are being trashed in almost every game, their pitching is just not enough to handle anything currently. Averaging about 5-6 run loss every game.

Yankees: Bouncing back heavily. They have won eight of their last ten games, and they are adjusting nicely to their new park. Still going to stand by my feelings on how their new park is just fetching ridiculous. Hitters heaven there by far.

Tigers: Still first place in their division. Miguel Cabrera is hitting .375 at the moment being 2nd highest in the AL. Strong hitting team when you got Inge, Dye, and Granderson all backing you as well. Even better when you have Verlander averaging 9 SO per game. Insane.

Phillies: World champs are currently tied with the Mets for first in the division. The Phillies started out a bit slow in April but definitely have picked it back up. Though they have played some pretty easy teams to pick themselves back up with (Washington, Colorado). Raul Ibanez has been doing great this year tied up in 2nd place with two other for most home runs in the league at 13.

Cardinals: Started out great but have hit a bit of a slump. They have lost five of their last seven to drop them in the three spot in the division. Doesn't help that they were all losses to teams within the division either.

Dodgers: Godlike right now. Manny is in at the start of the season...they do amazing. Manny gets busted for roids and he's gone...but what about the Dodgers? They just keep on winning. Juan Pierre comes in for Manny's 50 game suspension and wow. This guy is killing it. Watch him...fastest bugger in the world. I hope something happens as well when Manny comes back July 3rd. I'm wanting Pierre to play just as much. He's been just downright amazing.

Sorry I went on a bit of a spill there...but it had to be done. Just love baseball. :)

Speaking of baseball...I really want to see Seattle play this year. They are going to be in Colorado June 12-14th. If you want to come with Shane and myself please let us know so we can play this all out. Thanks. :)

Random Awards!:

Sports hype that needs to end of the week: Brett Farve's retirement
Best deal of the week: Little Ceasar's Pizza
Friend of the week: Dawn Owens
Food establishment craving of the week: Olive Garden
NBA player that should just never talk of the week: Kobe Bryant
Band of the week: The Honorary Title
Video game of the week: Fallout 3
Hot Celeb of the week: JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT (Oh she still has it!)
Thing people take for granted of the week: Air Conditioning
Thing that must go of the week: Sewage smell while driving on the freeway (AF)
Fix this please of the week: Needing sleep
Hot RL girl of the week: Deanna Hill

Hot Fizz....z.z.z.z.....

Lolcat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions

Vid of the week: (Severe Cartoon Creepiness) VID

News of the week: NEWS

And for us people that hate Wii cause it makes us move...this should make you smile: COMIC :)

Loves-- Greg

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