Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Start Of Something Beautiful...

Well, here we go again. If any of you have followed my since my "Writings To The World" and all know that I become very hit and miss with this writing once a week thing. I don't know why I have such a hard time with it...I just get distracted or I turn bi-polar and lose interest in it or whatever...but hopefully I can keep on track with this one. I'm going to be using a lot more tools to my disposal, and hopefully you guys can support me enough to keep me motivated as well. Thank you SO much for all that have kept up with it and told me they enjoy it. I know I'm not funny all the time, but thanks for making me feel like I am. It means more than you can imagine. Also, again I posted all the old stuff from Facebook below. Sorry that all the links don't work. I'm going to be using my own way of keeping those up and running now so we should be fine. I made this blog viewable to everyone and is also able to have anyone comment as we'll see how well that goes. I wish that there was a way to keep track of followers, but it seems you have to have a Blogger account or a Gmail account or something. Idk...we'll figure it out. :)

So hopefully everyone's Thanksgiving went well. Mine was as normal as it's always been. Driving to everyone's house constantly and such. Not horrible or anything, but it can get a bit tiring after awhile of doing it so many years. Gotta love divorced parents right? Started out going over to Lex's house, then up to Layton for my Mom's place. Then back down to Lex's...then to my Dads girlfriend's place, then to his house, then back home. Lots of stops, lots of people, lots of food, and not enough sleep. Lol. At least my Packers won. :) What's your favorite Thanksgiving food? I find that many families do different things. I mean, you typically have the turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing...but then you have random stuff in there as well. Personally my favorite thing I look forward to is the Yams. Something about them just makes me happy at this time of year. Only this time of year though, I tried them once in July and yeah....not so grand. Also I'm a big pumpkin pie fan...and it seems that everyone knows that now too. Got a pie from my mom and Lex's mom, then was offered some at my dad's gf place. Sigh...I can't handle that much! Good thing I have Cool Whip to go with it though. :)

So I hear that Black Friday wasn't so bad. I mean, nowadays with people opening up at midnight, I guess it can't be too horrible. Also I didn't hear too many things were on that "awesome deal" section of the store. Seems like companies can't really afford to do it either. Interesting stuff. Anyone get any sweet deals?

I am going to apologize before hand and say that I won't have an uber long post like I did back in October. I haven't been feeling all that hot the last day or so and sitting here trying to think just isn't happening. My creative side is suffering due to whatever is trying to Destroy My Body (No, it's not The Swine). So I am going to move on to my awards and such, and get ya'll on your way. More will come soon...I promise. :) On a slight sidenote as well, I'm trying a thing with Google and their ads. If you do see something that you're interested in with the ads please go ahead and check it out. Google is really good about putting up ads that are legit and that actually have some good stuff in there, so it could help out both of us.

Random Awards:
Sports team of the week: Green Bay Packers
Favorite of the week: Egg Nog
Friend of the week: Ryan Corbett
Idiot thing to do for the week: Eat a tablespoon of Cinnamon (Refer to friend of the week)
Band of the week: Say Anything
Hope it works of the week: Google Ads
I don't believe it of the week: Global Warming
Hot celebrity of the week: Kristen Stewart
Video game of the week: Modern Warfare 2
Craving of the week: Cinnamon Rolls
Movie of the week: Home Alone
Food establishment of the week: PF Changs
Hot RL girl of the week: Lexie Southworth

Hot Fizz...

LolCat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions



FML of the week: "Today, I woke up and looked in the mirror and noticed that my face was covered in glitter. I asked my wife about it and she said she put it on me while I was sleeping so that I would sparkle like Edward from Twilight when I'm in the sunlight. FML."

Thanks everyone. Also for those of you that were wanting a sports section I apologize again. I need to actually start caring about basketball and I don't see that happening very well with me focused on football currently. It will come. Seems BYU is up by 3 in the 4th quarter currently as well. Guess we'll see what happens there. Sorry to say for all you that live near me, I'm more of a Utes fan than a BYU. But they are both good. If you guys were wanting to see scores and my fantasy stuff, look off to the right here and I have them all there through Widgets. Now all you guys can tell me how bad my fantasy teams are...YAY! ;)

Lastly, if you guys/girls are looking for Christmas presents and stuff, Lex does all the wonderful Mary Kay stuff. Guys, if you are struggling, give her a call. She'll help ya out for sure. Girls, there are some things that us guys to like from Mary Kay as Aftershave and stuff. She can help you all out with that. If you mention me she'll give you 10% off in December and she ships all over the place or if you're close enough she'll come by and show you all the stuff and hook you up. Head Here to order online and also at the top is her phone number. Or you can just give me your info and I'll forward it over to her.

Thanks again! Please comment and leave your name if you're not registered! Again, if you have anything you'd like to see in here or would like me to mention you in it to help you out let me know. :)


That's Done...

Ok, got all the old stuff put in. It's 3:35am now and I need to sleep. I'll get things posted up soon and start getting a structure going here on how I want to set this up. If anyone has any suggestions on what to write on as for categories and stuff, let me know. I understand that it's a blog, so I have to write about myself (which isn't hard for me) and whatnot, but I would like it to attract more people other than those who just know me. I'm sticking with most of the same stuff from the "Random Week Stuff"...but we'll go from there. Follow me too if you can/like. :)


"Random Week Stuff #8" 10/7/09

Alright, let's attempt to do this all over again. I do like writing and keeping you all updated with the way my BRAIN works and stuff, but it can be pretty taxing when I do try to make it perfect and ENTERTAINING. As we speak, I'm attempting to write all this out at work, and hopefully I am successful cause I don't really want to do it at home. Then I just lose more time from video games and other things. ;) Not that big of a deal, but still. Oh, and just a random side note...if any offers to download Open Office for you cause they say it's the same as Microsoft Office...smack them. Open Office is horrible, and I hate typing in it right now too.

As for what's been going on in life, there really hasn't been much. Just still at the same old computer job here at Invisus...still helping the same OLD people that don't understand computers. It's fine, I mean, they do pay my bills in exchange for my assistance...but sometime you want to pop. You all know how it goes I'm sure. I still live in Orem at Village on the Parkway...with good old KYLE BROWN. I wonder how many times I can say “old” in this post. Though it should be ol' instead of old. Oh well. I'm still dating Lex and we are now past the good old three year mark as well. Yeah yeah, I should probably marry her and all you guys are so weirded out that I haven't. Well...sorry. It'll happen. But you all should know I'm not that normal kinda guy when it comes to these things. But when you get that invite in the mail then you know something cool is going to happen.

So let's talk about October. Lots of people like this month for some reason. Personally I don't mind the month. It's the month that makes me remember the next two months are going to be amazing. The cold air rushing in and my comforter isn't melting my body anymore makes me pretty happy. My Mom's birthday is on the 17th...(I really hope I got that right...pretty bad at birthdays)...and yes, the good old holiday of HALLOWEEN. I wish Halloween was different. I mean, it's a cool concept and stuff, but I just find it to be so dull once you hit 13 or so. Trick or Treating is the best part about Halloween...hands down. But as time went on and more and more parents became seems that even Trick or Treating is starting to lose it's fun. Remember running through neighborhoods trying to hit all the houses you could to get as much candy as possible? It was amazing! It was fun and exciting! Now though, your parent takes you to a church parking lot for a TRUNK OR TREAT and you hit the back of cars of people you know while your mom/dad watch over your shoulder the whole time. I find it odd that it's the trunk. Getting candy from people out of their cars seems WAY more bad news than from their house. It just seems like it loses the excitement. Moving along with then get older and you have pretty much three choices.:

1. Go out with a little kid and stare over their shoulder for the parents so they can go do option two...which is-
2. Go to a party with a bunch of people and get drunk or do something RETARDED like talk about what crazy scary foods were made and brought, along with how awesome the decorations are. The last option is-
3. Stay at home and pass out candy...which is lame because you don't really worry about it because you passed it out earlier in the day from your now you usually just sit in front of the TV and help out a few other kids that come to your door. I think I just hate that there's no real excitement anymore with it. The only thing that is really exciting to me about Halloween is going to the Haunted Houses and stuff. But even then you deal with over pricing, bad acting, and over-crowded areas. Last year I went to the one in American Fork...the HAUNTED FOREST. First off...they have two things there, (well, they did last year. Not sure what it's all about this year) they have the forest and then a small haunted house. The Hollow costs 20 bucks, and the House does as well, but if you buy them together they knock off like five bucks. So...coming from my point, I have a date with me. So I just dished out 70 bucks to do this date. And when you go into the house, it takes about 10 minutes cause it's small and worthless. I mean, they do a good job don't get me wrong, but if you go with a group of 10 people and you have a group of 20 behind you the whole time pushing you through it, you don't really enjoy it whatsoever. The forest was cool too, but again, due to having a huge group with you and following you, the intensity of it all just becomes nonexistent, and it just makes the money not worth the actual time and experience. There was actually a part we got to in the whole Hollow where there was about 60-80 people all in one area! How are you supposed to be scared of that?! Really lame. Anyway, I just wish Halloween was cool again. Maybe if someone set up something where you get to run through a corn maze or a haunted area with a paintball gun and shoot people dressed as Zombies or something I would really love it again. Maybe I should start that....hmmm....

Masks are fun. Especially when you start walking around wearing one of THESE ones...people get freaked out. :)

I think if I eat McDonald's breakfast I don't have to eat for the rest of the day. Wow...I feel full.

I think I'm going to talk about my music taste for the moment. I find that people do seem to find a mold to fit when it comes to their music and they stick with it. Nothing against my friends or family, but I find that people are pretty much stuck on the same style and dance of music...which kinda makes me sad. Well, except for my sister. She seems to be more like me and likes everything and likes to hear new things. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of styles and bands that get on my nerves quickly, but I do have a pretty open mind when it comes to the music. For example, right now I am really enjoying Anchor and Braille. It's the lead singer from Anberlin's little side project, and it's really mellow and somewhat electronica. But, then I will listen to some Pearl Jam and then hit up Paramore. After that I go over to some Dear in the Headlights and then usually finish off with some Thrice or Brand New. I think what I'm not enjoying as of late is whiny boy headlining bands that play piano. I mean, I got Something Corporate and Muse for that...and at least Muse has some real talent. Oh, and Billy Joel as well. Just something about all of them coming out as of late that doesn’t catch my interest anymore. I'm starting to like the heavier stuff as well...but only if it's different from the normal Metallica or other random "I'M A HARDASS" bands. I just don't enjoy those groups. What I'm referring to is bands like the Deftones. Man I love the Deftones. Anyway...I'm just rambling now. Here's a few new CDs you should go check out, and here's a few new CDs you should pull off the shelf and just smash under your foot immediately when you see them.

Brand New – Daisy
Pearl Jam – Backspacer
Paramore – Brand New Eyes
Anchor & Braille – Felt
Kings Of Leon – Only By The Night

Sugar Ray – Music For Cougars
Taking Back Sunday – New Again
The Used – Artwork
Vertical Horizon – Burning The Days
A.F.I. - Crash Love

Let me explain a few of these here...just so some don't try and KILL me. I have already kinda touched base on Anchor & Braille. So just remember that the band is really mellow with the right touch of Anberlin in it. Kings of Leon will always be amazing, and that album has been out for awhile, and if you don't have it....smack yourself and go pick it up now. It's a powerful album...and there are just some songs that will put you in a trace where you will find yourself feeling more and more in tune with your emotions. It's brilliant. As for Brand New's new(?) have to have an open mind. As some of you might have seen when Kyle and I picked up the leaked copy of it, his status stated it clearly. “Brand New is always just...well...brand new.” This album isn't like the one before, or the one before that, or the one before that. Now come to think of it, none of the albums have ever really sounded the same, and this one is definitely no exception. Be careful when buying this'll find that it might not fit you as well as you think. Paramore's new album has surprised me actually. The reason why I say to pick it up is because it's not really like the last one. I mean, there are similar things, but you can tell she really has upped her vocals.

As for the smashes...Sugar Ray will always be in my heart as a wonderful band to make me smile. Though, usually when a band makes an album after they have already made a “Greatest Hits” tends not to be so awesome. Only exception to this recently I have found is Pearl Jam and Third Eye Blind. But 'Music For Cougars' just isn't that pleasant. A.F.I. just sounds washed up. I'm done with it. This has to be the album that breaks it. I hope so at least. Finally I'll touch on The Used since this is the one people are going to complain about. I'm sorry, this album is better than the last one that's for sure, but it's still nowhere near being a good album. You can tell when the band was doing well and was really into it for the music and the love of the art. The only 'Artwork' I'm seeing with this is that they can paint the same old picture, good old hard riffs and heavy drums while Bert tries to actually show that he has some meaning in his songs. This is nowhere near being as good as the first two albums. Just steal the album if you want to challenge my word...and then you'll thank me for not spending money on it.

So this last weekend I drove up to good old Layton. Wasn't a bad time. Went and saw ZOMBIELAND with the peeps. Sorry for the bad seating...but it really wasn't my fault! There was a giant line in front of us! Sigh...anyway. Epic movie. A must see. I don't care if you don't see rated R movies...just do it. I laughed...a lot. I pretty much cried too...cause I was laughing. Oh, and EMMA STONE is fetching gorgeous in this movie. Not that I'm a huge fan of her or anything, just in this movie it felt so right. Ah lucky, lucky man. After that we went to Shane's and hung out and whatnot. By the way...don't drink people's stuff unless you plan on paying for at least some of it. You can't expect to get free hand outs all the time unless you're in some way going to pay it back...and no...having people take care of you is not the way to go on that. Sorry kiddo. That pretty much sums that night up. It was fun to see Mitch again. Man, that kid is one good guy. Makes me want to move up there to hang out with him more. Eh, he'd get sick of me though. ;)

Anyway, I think we'll head to sports so we can start wrapping up this giant post. Ladies...cover your ears...or eyes...or...just scroll down I suppose. ;)

Well, I just barely finished watching the Twins beat the Tigers in 12 to win the tie breaker in the AL Central. Amazing game…so much was on the line. It’s crazy to watch a whole season of work come down to one game. I was rooting for the Tigers, but the Twins is a good team to go with as well. So…just if anyone didn’t know…the playoffs are now starting. Here’s who’s there.

Rockies VS Phillies
Dodgers VS Cardinals

Angels VS Red Sox
Twins VS Yankees

Now just to give my predictions on these teams…for this good old start…I say this:

Rockies take it in 5
Cardinals take it in 4
Angels take it in 4
Yankees take it in 4

If you would like to know all the way…I say:

Cardinals over the Rockies in 6
Yankees over the Angels in 6

World Series: Cardinals VS Yankees….Yankees win in 6.

I know I hate to say it, but I do believe the Yanks are going to pull it out. I love the Cards…but I just see them falling apart down the stretch. Who knows though…it’s baseball. Things happen.

As for football, I’m a big Packers fan if you guys didn’t know. Yeah, yeah…we lost to Farve and the Vikings on Monday. I know. But it was still a good game. I will always enjoy Farve and the way he plays the game. He’s a respectable player. Can’t make up his mind for nothing…but a good player nonetheless. I don’t have much else to say about this good old sport other than it’s been fun so far...especially with having fantasy football teams. Oh, and if you were wondering…I am the winner in all three of my fantasy baseball leagues. Yay for me eh? ;)

Random AWARDS:
Sports team of the week: Minnesota Twins
Favorite of the week: Cold Air
Friend of the week: Mitch Stacey
Who’s gonna watch you die of the week?: HOPEFULLY NOT THEM
Band of the week: Anchor & Braille
Death of me of the week: McDonald’s Breakfast
Favorite picture of the week: YAY FOR CAUSES!
Hot celebrity of the week: OLIVIA WILDE (Scandalous)
Video game of the week: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Most overused word in this post of the week: Old (14 times)
Movie of the week: Zombieland
Too expensive of the week: Guitar Hero Guitar
Don’t get attacked by this of the week: RAWR
Hot RL girl of the week: Erin Jensen

Hot FIZZ...

Lolcat of the week:
funny pictures of cats with captions
Vid of the week: VID (Language)

News of the week: NEWS

Comic of the week: COMIC

FML of the week: "Today, I was sitting around a bonfire when an ember landed on my crotch. Without thinking, I quickly slapped at it and hit myself square in the nuts. FML"

Thanks everyone. Please's really the only thing that keeps me writing these. :)


"Random Week Stuff #7" 6/16/09

Hey everybody! Sorry for skipping out on last week. Just wasn't feeling it like I said...and yes...I really didn't have much to say. But here I am again. Thanks again for all of you that actually read this. :)

So does anyone know of any cheap vacations? Cause I would love to go on one this summer and all, but it seems like no matter what I want to do I'm going to be spending a ton of money. So yeah...let me know if you guys know of something other than just CAMPING UP THE MOUNTAIN or HANGING IN A RANDOM SOMEONE'S BASEMENT.

So I'm going to vent about VERIZON WIRELESS here for a bit. Here's the skinny. My phone has been a bit on the fritz as of late. I charge up the battery and stuff, and lately throughout the day my phone will just die. started to be more constant. Though, when it happens I could watch it die. For example, I will charge my phone full. Then if I just text on it all day it's usually dead after about 8 hours. But...if I make a call right after I charged'll probably die after about 15 minutes. Same thing if I use an app or use the camera or whatever. It's retarded. So, I went in to the Verizon dealer in the Orem mall. Talked to them about the problems...told them what was happening. Now, I'm a pretty savvy guy when it comes to electronics. I understand them and everything for the most part. I've been using a cell phone for over 13 years. I mean come on. Anyway, I go in there and they tell me that it could be the battery, but since I am three software upgrades behind that it could be that. Now, that in my mind is retarded. How in the world could a software upgrade make it so my battery doesn't die? Anyway, he told me that he could get me a battery but they didn't have any at this store and stuff too. So I asked if I could do a software upgrade and he pretty much told me that he didn't want to since they were closing in like 45 minutes or so. So...that sucked. This was Thursday night.

So I couldn't go in on Friday cause we were busy at work and after work I just wanted to get up to Layton and stuff. So on Saturday morning I go to the Verizon dealer in the Layton mall. Tell them about what's going on with my phone and stuff and they tell me that they can do the software upgrade no problem. Takes like 45 minutes and stuff. But...since they were in a different area than Verizon they did things differently when it came to batteries. They told me that they had to do a 6 HOUR battery test where they charge it all the way up and then they had a machine that makes a call with it and tests it. Now that's retarded. Let me remind you that all of this is under warranty by the way. So I didn't want to leave my phone for 6 hours...mainly cause that's retarded. So I get my software upgrade. About 20 minutes after my software upgrade my phone starts freaking out. When I hit the END BUTTON it would make the whole screen dark and stuff...but the phone was still responsive. Only way to fix it was to take the battery out and put it back in...and even then that didn't fix it half the time. So today (Mon) I go into the Verizon store on the Orem strip (University Parkway). Go in and talk with a tech guy and pretty much tell him that my phone is crap, it's under warranty...and he needs to replace it now cause I'm pissed. So he replaces my phone. Sweet. :)

So I get my phone, go to my car and start setting up my phone. I decide that I want to drive to the Orem mall and get some ICEBERG, cause it sounds fetching awesome at the moment. As I'm driving there I'm downloading some of my apps again and in the middle of downloading one my whole phone shuts off again cause of the battery saying it's dying. Now this confuses me. So when I get to the mall I go into the Verizon store and ask about my phone. Turns out they don't replace the battery cause it's under a different warranty and stuff. So...again...when I have been telling them that my battery is the problem the whole time they don't listen to me and do more stupid stuff. The girl I talked to wouldn't get me a battery cause I just barely got the new phone and I needed to "test" it out to make sure it's really the battery. Yeah...I've already today fully charged my battery three times and it's died within the hour. Pretty much the only way I can use it is if I leave it on the charger. It's super lame. So...tomorrow I get to go in there again and demand a battery since I can't even use my damn phone. Blah. End of story.

Sorry for how fetching long that was...but it felt good to write it out.

As for other news...I have another confession to tell about. I did it again. Lol. Saturday at Shane's party I got drunk for the first time. Not drank for the first time...but drunk. The way it happened? CROWN ROYAL and MONSTER. But hey...I liked it. :) That party was pretty fun. Props to me for making a good all around play list right? Sorry about the SAVAGE GARDEN and CHRISTINA AGUILERA though. That was mainly just to make people laugh...even if I do like it. ;) I'm going to give out some mini awards for people though for the PARTY. Hopefully you guys don't get pissed! :)

Best Birthday Kid: Shane Beard
Best Birthday Cake: CAKE
Worst Thing That Happened: Puke in the sink!
Coolest Moment Of The Night: SUPER CHRIS TRICK
Freakiest Thing: Shane twisting his feet backward to walk? Wha!?
Best Man: JACK
Best Animal: STRONG BUCK
Best Food: Shrimp Dip
Jerk Of The Night: Josh Waite :( Go sleep in your car again punk! ;)
Slosh Of The Night: Fred Reyes
Worst Idea Of The Night: Playing "Catch Up" (Josh and Sunny)

All in all it was a good time. I'm not mad at anyone or anything...I'm just giving you guys a hard time. I'm sure there will be more pics and vids that will be posted by others later on down the road. Just to give a heads up to my drunk was a really weird feeling. After I downed my Crown and Monster...I downed Fred's cause he's really too much of a pussy to do it himself...and then about three minutes later it just hit me like a WAVE. I laughed hysterically on the kitchen floor while Fred kicked me (medium hard like) in the ribs. Didn't really feel it. Mainly cause everything got really numb...hence why I was lying on the floor. It was a crazy feeling. I just smiled a lot and then when I could walk again (20-30 minutes later) I just went around and talked to everyone and told them how cool they were and anything else I thought I should tell them. I knew what was going on...I probably had a slight slur on my speech, but I knew what I was saying. It was nice to know what people were always shooting for when they drink. And I knew why it was retarded to go further cause I'm sure if I drank more it wouldn't have been so GOOD. Thanks again Kellie for feeding me water through the night so my head didn't hurt. :) But it was fun. I think I'll do it again someday...just not for awhile.

As for the other stuff that's going on in my life...there's not really too much. I can't wait for the Orem Owlz to start playing here in the next few weeks. I'll actually have something to do at night! know what I mean...that's active and stuff. I just am losing interest and motivation in all the things I used to be involved in. Isn't that a sign of a personality disorder? Hmmmm....

Sports time girls. ;)

So the Lakers win. Grats whatever. Who cares. I mean, we knew it was going to happen. Big surprise. Now we can go sit around and talk about nothing unless you like baseball. one does except for me. Super lame. Football starts in a few months...then some people will have something to say at least. Till then...I get to rant about baseball. :)

All you really need to know about baseball at the moment is this. All the pitchers that were amazing last year aren't that great this year. Yes...some of them are doing good and stuff...but not as good as the hype was about them. Makes me sad.'s all good. Pitching is hard work...and a whole off season can make people change and whatnot. Other things you need to know is that the Yankees and Red Sox are back in the races while the Rays and Blue Jays fall off their high horse. I hate the Red Sox. Rangers are still doing well and the Tigers are too if we are talking about the AL. But other than that...there's not much excitement going on over there.

This week is inter-league play. Meaning the NL plays the AL based on their Regions and stuff. Which is cool for the fans cause you get to see teams play that never would cause the likely-hood of them meeting in the World Series was just so unlikely. So you get to see the Angels and Dodgers play, the Yankees and the Mets, Phillies and the Red Sox, Rangers against the Astros, and the Rockies against the Rays.........wait? The Rockies against the Rays? Those guys are opposite sides of the continent. Way to go and screw that match up MLB! Oh well...

Last things you need to know is just what to bring up if you find yourself in the midst of all us baseball fans. Rockies are on an 11 game tear right now. It's insane. They are playing the Rays tomorrow but it should be a good matchup for them. The Nationals are still the worst team in baseball. Manny comes back in about 3 weeks...meaning Dodger fans will have a lot to talk about and debate. And of course...who leads in home runs. :)

Home Runs:
1. Adrian Gonzalez, SDG 22
2. Raul Ibanez, PHI 22
3. Albert Pujols, STL 22
4. Carlos Pena, TAM 20
5. Mark Teixeira, NYY 20

Random Awards:

Favorite of the week: Rain
Friend of the week: FRED REYES
Food establishment of the week: PARADISE CAFE
Band of the week: LENNY KRAVITZ
Gross thing of the week: Allergic Reactions
Don't be like this kid of the week: KID
Never the right size of the week: Cup Holders
Video game of the week: Prototype
Movie of the week: The Hangover
Quote of the week: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That's for life."
Retarded thing of the week: Skeleton Pirate Ninjas. (It just can't happen)
Lame place to hang out for three hours of the week: Comic shop
Hot RL girl of the week: Kellie Buelo


Lolcat of the week: funny pictures of cats with captions

Vid of the week: VID

News of the week: NEWS

Comic of the week: COMIC (Language)

FML of the week: Today, my husband called me from work just to chat. He asked what I had been up to today. I was feeling frisky so I told him all about how I had gotten horny, watched a porno and masturbated earlier. It wasn't until I heard the hoots and laughter that I realized he had me on speakerphone. FML

That's all people. Love you all. :)


"Random Week Stuff #6" 6/2/09

Hey all, hope you guys had a good week and weekend. I know mine went pretty well. At the moment, I want to talk about some new music that just came out. we go.

First off we'll get Eminem out of the way. His new album is pretty decent. I mean, it's still the same whiney stuff like he had before...but there are some definite changes involved. I guess he went through a big drugs and drinking deal, and he raps/sings about it as well. In his RELAPSE album look for great songs like "Crack A Bottle", "Deja Vu", and "Beautiful". To be honest though, that's about as good as it gets from him. The rest is his typical stuff lately that isn't all that wonderful. 2/5 from me.

I was going to do about 2 more or so...but I decided I rather move along. So I'll finish up with the new Dave Matthews cd.

BIG WHISKEY AND THE GROOGRUX KING is an amazing album. Dave Matthews kind of was in a slump there for a bit in my mind. The last few albums had a hit and that was about it. No real feel to it. This album is all inspired mainly on their sax player who was killed in an ATV accident. They recorded a bit of the album with him already, and then the accident happened. So you find that the album has an interesting feel to it. The sax plays through the first part and slowly it fades out and it goes more into a heart felt vibe. Look for some intense songs like "Funny The Way It Is", "Baby Blue" and "You and Me". The other songs are great as well, but those are my favorite. Definitely a big album for the Dave Matthews collection. :) 4.4/5 from me.

Kyle has a movie going on in his room at the other end of the apartment. I can hear it almost word for word in my room. I've even texted him to tell him it's that loud...but apparently he doesn't pay his cell phone bill. Fail. 3:00 am movie blasting FTL.

Moving along...seems like my baseball game I was going to has fell through. :( Makes me SAD. But it's fine. Guess people rather do other things which is understandable. I need to find some friends that are really into baseball. Seems they don't really exist nowadays.

So I'm really upset with some people lately. Seems that most people are just out for themselves sometimes. I mean, we all do it...and I know that I have before. But it's really crappy when you have people you're close with and they just kinda have ya there for their own gain and good. No appreciation for what you really offer them through friendship or comfort. Why can't people see what friends are really about and have the comfort that people care about them and for them. Not only that, but when you do have someone you love or that loves you...why not hold on to it? Why would you want to even try and mess it up? Just doesn't make much sense to me at times. If you have heard the song "The Perfect Ending" by Straylight Run...I really feel like it hits home when it comes to some of this stuff. My favorite part is the chorus...where it goes:

So if you made it,
Just be glad that you did and stay there,
If you ever feel loved or needed,
Remember that you're one of the lucky ones,
And if it's over,
Just remember what I told you,
It was bound to happen so just...
Keep moving on,
There are no perfect endings,
No perfect endings.

We can only the make the best of what we have...and always know that there isn't "perfect endings". It's only what we make of it. If you want the full lyrics go ahead and go HERE.

Sports time. :)

So I don't think I'm going to try predictions with basketball for awhile. I mean, at least from this year. This year has been just way too crazy. Magic/Lakers? I mean...we saw the Lakers getting there...but the Magic? Wow. Pretty impressive. Personally I want the Magic to win it...and I have no clue who will. Howard is looking good...and his team is impressive. Kobe and his gang is just blah to me. I'm tired of seeing them. I want the yellow to die. Other than that, I don't have much to say on it. Thoughts?

Just so everyone knows...(since I'm so proud of myself) I am ranked first overall in all three of my fantasy baseball leagues this week. I'm a winner! ;)

Speaking of baseball...I have been following it so much I just can't even place some thoughts on what I would want to talk about. All I'll say for this week is grats to the Yanks for coming back from a slump at the beginning of the season and rocking it. Grats to the Rangers for holding the AL best record...and grats to the Dodgers for being incredible this year. No worries Mariners were looking hot till they blew a seven point lead on Saturday and lost to the Angels...and then lost today to the Orioles one to nothing. Blah. Oh, and let's not forget the home run race. :)

Home Runs:
1. Adrian Gonzalez, SDG 21
2. Raul Ibanez, PHI 17
3. Carlos Pena, TAM 17
4. Albert Pujols, STL 16
5. Mark Teixeira, NYY 16

Random AWARDS:

Favorite Movie of the week: Up!
Best rapper of the week: DR. DRE
Scary thing for kids of the week: BALL PIT
Friend of the week: Chris Cook
Cool style of the week: Matrix Style
Funny baseball thing of the week: Flock of seagulls on field
Band of the week: Envy The Coast
Video game of the week: Lord Of The Rings Online
Cool thing of the week: Rain
Hot Celeb of the week: JENNIFER MORRISON
Tv show of the week: House
Retarded thing of the week: Eating breakfast outside in the sun
Hot RL girl of the week: Andee Curtis

Hot Fizz:

Lolcat of the week:funny pictures of cats with captions

Vid of the week: VID

News of the week: NEWS

Comic of the week: COMIC

FML of the week: Today, I saw the following message on my Facebook News Feed: "Morning Sex: [My mom] and [My dad] are fans. Click here to Join" FML

That's all folks. Thanks!
